samedi 20 février 2016

Benefits treadmill & The importance of walking

Benefits treadmill

Walking Walking is moving the foot to move the body and thus move from one place to the other, Walking on a permanent basis and regularly for half an hour to an hour, almost five times per week, with a commitment to the status of the right to walk, and this will reduce the incidences of arterial and protects the heart from injury, and reduces the incidence of diabetes type second, it is suitable for all ages and even necessary for all sports, they do not require a great effort. Resulted in a recent study that walking for an hour a day reduces the risk of breast cancer for women 14% if not more, and these findings are published in the Guardian newspaper of the specialized anti-cancer the American body, it is nice to take a walk as a hobby for you, it will have effects for your health and weight loss and maintain an ideal weight and body harmonic and graceful, and savored the elderly and can do. Pat Allan running on the roads more difficult you will not find the appropriate gardens to walk in safety and comfort, and will not find it appropriate to run also safe sidewalks, and you will feel the mother feared for her children, which is about mostly inappropriate ways for the elderly, the increased road exhausted by even dropped exposed to the risk of slipping, even on young people remains risk mechanisms and cars they existed, was the solution to these difficulties device industry for walking (Tradmill), a device of metal person by walking on a piece of rubber Calcjadh move by different speeds, and with that the person does not actually move any that remain in the same position as in the army instructions (the secret place); however, it actually cut distances can know from reading the machine counter and at different speeds, where can walk, jogging and fast walking, jogging, and this depends on what you want to do, or as permitted by the age of private and state of health. Benefits treadmill Alteradmill It believes in the individual the ability to walk without being harassed or gases emitted by cars, that is appropriate for all situations and times of different weather conditions, and even become fun that set by the front of the TV and enjoy watching your favorite exercise time. Reduces the potential harms to the body Kalrkptin, feet, ankles, hips and other members as a result of traffic on the asphalt, it is safer in terms of the proportion of accidents, especially for the elderly who can Atosroa small Bhsah This is caused them immense suffering, as you will not worry about traffic accidents particularly on young or abduction or loss or any unexpected danger predator like a dog, for example. Eventually boot athletic shoes and learn how to use the device is safe and does not overpay for him to walk onset or increased speeds unreasonably Be careful not exaggerate the activity and be graded to be continuing to walk on it to achieve the greatest benefit.

The importance of walking

Walking Is the walking of the most important things that you can benefit your body out, because of its positive benefits on the body and mind healthy, so if you exercise walking for just half an hour on a daily basis, and we'll show today's top ten benefits for the individual when jogging. Benefits of Walking Maintain a healthy body and healthy for a longer period; as the research indicated that individuals who are committed to doing the sport of walking on a regular basis, including less than the number of deaths, as well as they are less exposed to the incidence of cancer or strokes. Loss of excess weight: The hiking of the most important types of sport that works to get rid of excess weight, if you are of people who complain of obesity and high weight regularity to check the sport of walking. Protect against obesity: the sport is important to walk for individuals who complain about the high weight, it is also important to the owners of ideal weight, because it protects them from exposure to obesity, so you have to walk attendance including nearly 2,000 step. Reduce the risk of cancer: Studies have indicated that walking regularly with doing some sports exercises alleviate exposure to certain types of cancer such as breast and colon cancer. Reduce the risk of diabetes; Walking for half an hour on a daily basis reduces the chances of exposure for type II diabetes, disease of sugar a chronic condition and is by a large margin at the level of the world, but just yourself from exposure to it, you have to exercise walking with some other sports exercises on a regular basis. Reducing the risk of heart attack and heart disease: The hiking of the most important activities that stimulate blood circulation within the body, so they reduce the risk of occurrence of stroke and diseases of various heart muscle; where they lead to alleviate the amount of LDL cholesterol in the body's cells. Enhance memory and improve brain function: research has pointed out that walking for a period of forty-five minutes every day working to improve memory and raise the level of mental capacity significantly. Relieve stress and tension: The walking with doing some of exercise works to increase the production of endorphins, this article is essential to the body they are working to reduce physical and mental stress and relieve anxiety and tension. Help on sexual health in men: The walking significantly contribute to the reduction of cases of erectile dysfunction in men and improve sexual health they have. Enjoy a workout: The hiking of the simple things that you feel the individual happiness and comfort, and that you can do in any time you want and anywhere, all Sattalbh comfortable shoes foot comfortable and loose-fitting clothing matter.

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