samedi 20 février 2016

Discovered football & When football began

Discovered football

Who does not like football, or have not exercised in a young age, and did not follow up their patrols and Tsfiadtha, although it is a game I knew the game macho rattling, but he recently broke into the world of women ball to become strong in competition, we turned into hear about the women's teams, it is discoverer of football? The Charles Goodyear is the inventor of the game of football and Mtorha, where the promotion of rubber made him the ball and strengthened, which contributed to the evolution of the ball of the foot, and now the football used in Mondiallat conditions and specifications, where he left the size and weight of a particular constituent material and type ball, and it is worth mentioning that football has ancient roots in history, where the number of people kicked rotator private objects using the legs, as noted in the history books that the Romans and Greeks have devised games that rely on kicking objects spherical shape. After World War Vtm development of football was used in the manufacture of a powerful type of cloth, which is characterized by its ability to stretch, which gave football a spherical shape better, but this ball was likely always to explode during the play, and then been working to solve the problem of water absorption by using Industrial colors, was coded in orange for easy distinguishable in various circumstances. Football has evolved, it is quasi-spherical objects to a ball made of animal skin to the ball is made of rubber and developed by Charles Goodyear, which won a patent for his invention, and then after a period of time has been the development of a rubber ball into a hole one can be blown through it, and then work English later on the development of a set of laws that define the terms of the form of the ball in terms of size and weight, and with the progress of time and science have been reached a ball made of artificial skin, and this has helped to develop and spread of football is widely then the Adidas company developed the ball to become composed of pentagonal and hexagonal forms are stitched with each other to get a spherical shape, and coded in black and white, to make it easier to see, especially on television is stained, and reached to this invention is Richard Fuller in 1970 and named it TELESTAR name, was used in the world Cup of the same Uncle . Evolution Soccer continues until the present time, where he will hold a specialized festivals to display the football designs and developed using the latest technology, as the company making the adidas football is made up of panels molded thermally to improve aerodynamics.

When football began

The football game of the most popular sports among young people across the world, often seen on our neighborhoods and our streets and stadiums children or young people are learning a ball between them and competing for nail them to be paid in the opponent's goal, and this game is no longer exerted on the male but has spread to females even limited became the most famous game in the world unchallenged, becoming hold contests for the game at the local, national and global level, where enjoys football competitions, especially the world by watching high because of the intense competition between the teams to win the world Cup-equipped specially for those who win, what is the first start to this game ?. The world has known for a football game since 2500 BC where it was practiced by the ancient Chinese, and they were arranging the prizes to the winners by offering dry food for the victor, while being defeated for the skin as punishment for his heinous defeat, then I knew the other peoples of this game and practiced Kallionaon and Japanese, it was the first appearance of the modern game in England in 1016 AD form but the bloody nature of the way this game has led to prohibit and punish those who practice this form where the players are learning among them heads of their enemies. The game of football has gone through different stages of evolution until it reached what we have reached in our time, where he began in English schools in 1857 AD and then knew the first soccer club in 1862, then the rules of the game has evolved, where there has been a specific area for a specific football goal, there are a certain number of players each team also became, as a provision for the game so he could be a mistake committed by its players to identify and determine who is the punishment, then the updates and enhancements to the game and its laws continued even took its present form, was established for the purpose of organizing the game of international football federation in 1904, where the game was officially embraced the sponsorship and organization of its competitions, as was the awarding of prizes to the winners of those competitions stimulate them to compete. Many football fans and Hoadtha, especially in developing countries and complain about the problem of the lack of playgrounds ripe for the exercise of this game, you see many people engaged in this game in the neighborhoods and sometimes in the streets, and the duty of the state on this issue to support this game and allocate a budget to create football pitches suitable for practice this sport.

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